Rich Villodas - October 1, 2023
The Emotional Life of Jesus
From Series: "Life Beneath The Surface"
Building a Strong Spirituality Without Denying Our Humanity
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ClosePastor Rich opens up our new series, Life Beneath The Surface, connecting Jesus’ life to ours. Jesus experiences all of the emotions and there is much to learn from him on how to embrace our very own. The Life Beneath The Surface series will focus on our emotional health through the lens of Jesus’s life and teachings. This series will explore anger, fear, grief, joy, our family of origin, and more. #emotionalhealth #lifebeneaththesurface
From Series: Life Beneath The Surface | More Messages from Rich Villodas
Building a Strong Spirituality Without Denying Our Humanity
Sunday Worship at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
82-10 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst, NY 11373 | 718.424.0122 |